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Klima Charta Zug+

Working together to make an impact

The time to act is now. We want to create a joint movement with the aim of making companies in Zug more climate friendly, ensuring a clean environment for future generations and sustainably strengthening Zug’s status as an economic hub. Every contribution counts – including yours!

The Charta is all about protecting the climate, securing the future and boosting profitability. This requires us to work together to identify potential, proactively implement measures and learn from each other. By doing so, we minimise risks to the environment, businesses and society.

The Klima Charta Zug+ is an initiative with a collective spirit.

Together, we aspire to:

  • Accelerate climate protection measures without wastin any time
  • Achieve quick results in the form of targeted projects and stimulate the economy
  • Collaborate through interaction, encouragement, inspiration, motivation and support
  • Highlight the commitment of individual companies as well as joint achievements
  • Help make the canton of Zug climate neutral …

… and play our part on a wider scale


Working together for a sustainable future

Your personalised climate and environmental advice

  • Determine your company’s current CO2 footprint
  • Identification of fields of action and potential for reducing emissions
  • Develop specific measures tailored to your company’s needs
  • Receive information on financial opportunities and subsidies
  • Participation in the Zug community for climate and environmental protection
  •  Contribute to promoting a sustainable Zug economy

Working together for climate protection

  • Exclusive access to exciting networking events
  • Access to the Zug community to share ideas, specific projects and innovations for the climate and environment
  • Active promotion of knowledge transfer within the Zug business community
  • Become part of the contribution to the promotion of climate protection measures and a sustainable economy in Zug
  • Membership is free for companies and communities
Klima Charta Zug+

News and info

Mit der Klima Charta Zug+ auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität – ein Artikel in der Zuger Zeitung

21. April 2023|Media releases|

Immer mehr Zuger Unternehmer wollen den CO2-Ausstoss ihrer Firma substanziell senken. Ziel der Klima Charta-Zug+ ist es vor allem, jene Firmen anzusprechen, die klimaneutral werden wollen, aber nicht wissen, wo sie ansetzen sollen. Dafür gibt es die Anschubunterstützung, an der sich der Kanton mit 50 Prozent bis maximal 5000 Franken beteiligt.

Klima Charta Zug+: Startschuss für die Initiative zu einer klimaneutralen Wirtschaft

22. March 2023|Media releases|

Mit der Initiative Klima Charta Zug+ sollen kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen mit finanzieller Unterstützung und Beratung zur raschen Umsetzung klimaschonender Massnahmen animiert werden. Getragen und finanziert wird die Charta von einer breiten Wirtschaftsallianz und der öffentlichen Hand.

Schon mit einfachen Massnahmen lässt sich der CO2-Ausstoss im Kanton Zug deutlich reduzieren!

6. March 2023|Knowledge and tips|

Die Schlusspräsentation des federführenden Institut für Wissen, Energie und Rohstoffe Zug (WERZ) zur Studie Green Check Zug zeigt: Schon mit einfachen Massnahmen lässt sich der CO2-Ausstoss im Kanton Zug deutlich reduzieren – um bis zu 60%.


The Charta in figures

The Klima Charta Zug+ was launched at the start of 2023 and now has:

How you benefit

Strong arguments for joining the Klima Charta Zug+

Every contribution counts – we help you boost your commitment

Save energy and resources to reduce carbon emissions in our canton. Whether you need financial support or practical advice, we’re here to help you and highlight your efforts.

A clear direction for strengthening your company

You gain inspiration and an overview of action areas, opportunities and risks when it comes to climate protection. We walk you through all your options.

We show you what difference being active and staying active can make

We work with you to calculate your current carbon footprint and show you how to reduce it. We make an impact, which feeds into your individual success and beyond.

Forge connections and leverage our network

Share ideas and let other companies and experts inspire you about local opportunities and the range of possibilities available to you. We build bridges.



Maybe your company is already taking action to protect the climate, but wants to build on that and make its efforts visible.

Well, you’ve come to the right place. Simply get in touch for an initial, non-binding consulation so we can:

  • Find out how you’re playing your part und what you’ve achieved so far
  • Inspire you and show you alternative ways to take action
  • Help you integrate your activities into your corporate strategy
  • Help you implement targeted measures where they are needed
  • Demonstrate how to effectively communicate your climate protection efforts to employees, customers, owners and shareholders

Or perhaps your company wants to start taking action to protect the climate and is looking for guidance and support.

Then reach out to us for an intial, non-binding consulation so we can:

  • Analyse your current situation, calculate your company’s carbon footprint and identify potential action areas
  • Identify opportunities available to you within the canton or nearby
  • Propose targeted carbon reduction measures and calculate their potential
  • Demonstrate how to effectively communicate your climate protection efforts to employees, customers, owners and shareholders
Best practices

Leading by example

So will die Abicht Zug AG ihre CO2-Emissionen noch weiter reduzieren

6. March 2023|Best practises|

Die Abicht Zug AG berät ihre Kund:innen, wie Areale und Gebäude zukunftssicher geplant, gebaut und im Anschluss auch betrieben werden können. Dabei stehen verwendeten Materialien, das Energiekonzept und hervorragend konzeptionierte gebäudetechnische Anlagen im Fokus.

Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe gehen mit Klima Charta Zug+ einen Schritt weiter

22. February 2023|Best practises|

Wer in Zug in einen Bus steigt, soll ab 2035 keine Treibhausgasemissionen mehr verursachen. Das ist das Ziel der Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe. Mit der Unterstützung durch die Klima Charta Zug+ will das Unternehmen in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit aber sogar noch weiter gehen.